www.ironjacamar.orgCommunity Documentation
Table of Contents
The official IronJacamar project page is http://www.ironjacamar.org/ where you can download the software.
The download location is: http://www.ironjacamar.org/downloads/
Each release is labelled with a version number and an identifier.
An example
which is a stable release of the project.
The IronJacamar distribution is deployed to the JBoss Nexus repository.
Repository: http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/
Group id: org.jboss.ironjacamar
Table 2.1. Maven artifacts
Artifact | Description |
ironjacamar-arquillian-embedded | The Arquillian extension for the embedded module |
ironjacamar-arquillian-embedded-byteman | The Arquillian/Byteman extension for the embedded module |
ironjacamar-as | WildFly integration tools |
ironjacamar-codegenerator | The code generator |
ironjacamar-common-api | The API for the common module |
ironjacamar-common-impl | The implementation for the common module |
ironjacamar-common-spi | The SPI for the common module |
ironjacamar-core-api | The API / SPI for the core module |
ironjacamar-core-impl | The implementation for the core module |
ironjacamar-depchain | The dependency chain for the IronJacamar container |
ironjacamar-deployers-common | The common classes for the deployer chains |
ironjacamar-deployers-fungal | The deployers for the Fungal kernel based setup |
ironjacamar-embedded | The embedded module |
ironjacamar-jdbc | The core library for the JDBC resource adapters |
ironjacamar-spec-api | The Java EE Connector Architecture 1.7 API |
ironjacamar-test-eis | The Enterprise Information System test server |
ironjacamar-validator | The validator module |
ironjacamar-validator-ant | The Apache Ant tasks for the validator module |
ironjacamar-validator-cli | The command line interface for the validator module |
jdbc-local | A JDBC resource adapter backing standard datasources |
jdbc-xa | A JDBC resource adapter backing XA datasources |
If you want to experiment with the latest developments you may checkout the latest code from Git. Be aware that the information provided in this manual might then not be accurate.
The Git repository is located at:
You can find additional information about this in the developer guide.