JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 2. Building

2.1. Prerequisites
2.1.1. Java Development Kit (JDK)
2.1.2. Apache Ant
2.1.3. Apache Ivy
2.1.4. Subversion
2.2. Obtaining the source code
2.2.1. Anonymous SVN access
2.2.2. Developer SVN access
2.2.3. SVN modules
2.3. Compiling the source code
2.4. Creating a patch

In order to build the IronJacamar project you execute:

ant <target>

where target is one of

See the full list of targets in the main build.xml file.

An example to get the IronJacamar/SJC built and running:

ant clean sjc
cd target/sjc/bin

Our user guide explains in the "I would like to implement a feature" section how to get started on a writing a new feature or submitting a patch to the project.

All patches should be created in a unified diff format.