
IronJacamar 1.2.0.Beta4 released

August 12th, 2014

I'm proud to announce the IronJacamar 1.2.0.Beta4 release. Full release notes are here .

Almost at the end

Our Beta4 release should mark the end of the beta series for the 1.2 branch, which means the next release will hopefully be a candidate for release.

So, now is really the time to speak up if you did spot a missing feature that you think is critical to get into the 1.2 series. Use our forums to make your voice heard.


A couple of changes stands out,

The graceful shutdown feature will allow resource adapters, and thereby datasources too, to be put into shutdown mode allowing existing connections to finish their work, but reject new connections. The shutdown can be canceled within the specified timeout value.

Porting the JDBC resource adapter to Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6 eliminates some internal transaction integration hacks making the resource adapter much more "clean". The resource adapter was also updated to use the JBoss Logging framework to provide unique codes for important log statements and exceptions.

The addition of our security SPI will allow IronJacamar to use different security frameworks to provide the necessary functionality. IronJacamar will continue to ship with PicketBox as the default provider.

The release contains some critical bug fixes as well.

The Road Ahead

We have added a lot of new functionality to the 1.2 series, so getting to the candidate for release stage is an important milestone for the project.

Now, we need your help to really hammer the release to find any bugs that have escaped us so far. Also try out the new features, and report back any issues you see, or things that we need to make more clear.

For people that would like to stay on a stable release we have released IronJacamar 1.1.7.Final too.

Enjoy !

On behalf of the IronJacamar community,

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