
IronJacamar 1.2.0.Beta1 released

April 10th, 2014

I'm proud to announce the IronJacamar 1.2.0.Beta1 release. Full release notes are here .

IronJacamar 1.2

We have decided to do a 1.2 series with some new features, as the IronJacamar 2.0 work has been stalled for a while.

We will try and limit the scope of the release to what will "fit" into the architecture of the 1.x series, so expect that IronJacamar 1.2.0.Final will be a "super-set" of the 1.1.x releases in regards to configuration and features.

We are therefore hoping for a quick release cycle such that the IronJacamar 2.0 work can continue.

Lets get started

The first Beta release features some new features, like

and bug fixes as well. We will expand on certain features in upcoming articles to give a more in-depth description.

There are new deployment descriptors to enable/disable some of these new features.

The Road Ahead

As stated above, we will try and do a quick release cycle, but there will likely be a couple of Beta's before we do a feature freeze.

So, if you have an idea of what is missing be sure to stop by our forums or the IRC channel to discuss it.

Feedback on the release is as always most welcome ! Enjoy !

On behalf of the IronJacamar community,

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