IronJacamar 2 project launch
August 14th, 2013 Today, we are launching the IronJacamar 2 project. IronJacamar 2 will redefine the project in key areas, and provide the Java EE Connector Architecture community with a customizable platform that fits their use-case. The first major change will be a change to our license. The project will now be relased under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 license. This change is done in order to support projects, which doesn't allow a GNU Lesser Public License based project to be used. The second major change will be a change to our package name. The project will from now on use the "org.ironjacamar" package namespace for all code and tools. The third major change is how the container is assembled at run-time. As Java EE Connector Architecture containers are used for important areas, like controlling datasources and providing the integration for Enterprise Messaging Beans into Java EE environments it is important that each project can choose which parts of the IronJacamar container to enable. This will be made possible by providing a service-oriented architecture which will enable a specific component of the container, and the required dependencies. There will also be new functionality as compared to the IronJacamar 1.x project. Wishlist includes- Proof of Concept for Java EE Connector Architecture 2.0
- Pool less container
- Lazy association for transacted based scenarios
- Serializable connection manager
- Fat pool lock