Core developer, mainly focused on productization and tools
Please tell us a little about yourself
I live in Beijing with my wife and son. I like to dig to the root cause of things, and prefer open source solutions.
What do you do for IronJacamar ?
I mainly work on the productization build of IronJacamar for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, and also some tools
development work.
How did you get started contributing to IronJacamar ?
I started a RHQ plugin for IronJacamar right after I joined Red Hat in November 2010, and then started to contribute
to the IronJacamar Eclipse plugin after that.
How much time do you spend working on IronJacamar ?
It depends on the release schedule and productization process, but I want to get more involved in future.
What keeps you motivated ?
Software is full of magic, and I want to be one of the best players.
What are some of your future goals for your involvement with IronJacamar ?
I want to get a deeper understanding of JCA, and get more involved in the development of IronJacamar.
Tea vs. Coffee ?
Coffee (with suger and milk).
Village vs. City ?
City, city is convenient.
Mahjong vs. Poker ?
Books vs. Movies ?
Movies, I like sci-fi movies.
Cook vs. Fast Food ?
Cook, I can make the taste I like.
What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of IronJacamar ?
I like hiking, seek delicious food and watching movies.
What would you suggest to help people getting started with IronJacamar ?
Read the IronJacamar guides and try to write a simple resource adapter using the IronJacamar tools, it is very simple with
the awesome tools IronJacamar provides.
Any closing comments ?
I am so happy to have the opportunity to work with the intelligent people in the IronJacamar team. I am proud of being part of it.