The public API only contains interfaces, classes and exceptions which may be used by a resource
adapter vendor in order to access IronJacamar specific functionality. The package name for the APIs
will have an .api in their name in order to reflect that they are supported. The artifacts for APIs
have their Java archive name end in -api.jar.
The internal API only contains interfaces, classes and exceptions which are used by IronJacamar itself.
The API may of course be accessed from resource adapters, but it isn't support, and breakage may occur
even in patch releases. The package name for the internal APIs
will have an impl.api in their name in order to reflect that they are unsupported. The artifacts for internal APIs
are included in their implementation specific Java archive.
Have the recovery module use the pool as its backing store.
ResourceAdapter repository
The ResourceAdapterRepository keeps track of the ResourceAdapter instances currently activated.
Since a ResourceAdapter instance can be referenced from multiple deployments the tracking needs
to be ref-counted.
Much of the code from IronJacamar 1.x can be reused, but usage of String based identifiers should
be revisited.
Metadata repository
The job of the MetadataRepository is to keep track of the specification metadata defined by a resource
adapter deployment.
The resource adapter may not have a associated, so this can't be a mandatory parameter.
Make it optional, or do an overloaded method with a classloader as the building block.
String based identifiers
Move IronJacamar metadata to deployment repository
Move JNDI information to deployment repository
Most of the IronJacamar 1.x MetadataRepository implementation can go into the new deployment repository.
Deployment repository
The deployment repository keeps track of all deployments, and provide access to
the IronJacamar created objects.
The deployment repository is shared by resource adapter and datasource deployments.
Add a deployment
Get a deployment
Remove a deployment
Methods for querying deployments (findByJNDI(String), ...)
Deployment identifier
Resource adapter archive reference - either file or module (classloader)
ResourceAdapter instance reference
config-property (read-only, writable, confidential) with value
ResourceAdapter statistics
Deployment metadata
ConnectionFactory (List)
JNDI name
config-property (read-only, writable, confidential) with value
Recovery module
Activation metadata
Pool statistics
ManagedConnectionFactory statistics
AdminObject (List)
JNDI name
config-property (read-only, writable, confidential) with value